20 Mini Cube candles with a Drum of Oil

Product Code: MC10020OC25L

Beautiful moulded glass Mini Cube candle with a very thick glass base in 100ml size  Special Features: Tough moulded refillable fuel cell. Very low running costs.

This candle burns 4ml of oil per hour when the wick is set to produce a 2cm high flame.  That represent costs of 1.1p per hour


This Offer Comprices 20 x 100ml Mini Cube Oil Candles and a Drum of Oil.  Please specify below what Colour of Oil you require.  THAT'S £149 OF CANDLES FOR JUST £109!!  SET UP YOUR RESTAURANT FOR JUST £109!

Diameter at Largest Point
Time Between Refils
20 Hours
Fuel Capacity
Running Cost (Pence per hour)
Variant price modifier:
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Price ex vat$141.12
Price / kg:
Oil Colour